Thursday, July 3, 2014


Day One

      My mom dropped me of at Griffo camp at 7:50 am. First I unpacked my stuff. My first cabin mate came at 8:15. His name was Marcos. We waited till the rest of our cabin came came and then we played dodge ball. After dodge ball we had lunch. I ate a taco. At one PM we went to the pool. At 2:40, I did water play. Then we ate dinner. For diner I ate chicken, biscuits with butter and mashed potatoes. Next we did camp fire. At campfire the Councillors and adults put on the shows. Next we showered and went to bed. I liked playing dodge ball the best.

Day Two

      First, I ate breakfast. For breakfast I ate cereal. Then I made my tye-dye shirt.After that I made card board boats.Then I had lunch. After lunch I went swimming followed by siplining Then I ate dinner. For dinner I ate salad. Then I went on a hike. Then I showered and went to bed.

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