Sunday, November 23, 2014


 BALBOA MAGNET: The Most Awesome School 

Balboa Magnet : Elementary School

Why Is Balboa Magnet an Awesome School?

Balboa Magnet is an awesome school for many reasons. First of all, there are no bullies. That means us children don't have to worry about teasing or taunting. Also, there is this thing called a buddy. Fifth and fourth graders have 2nd or 1st grade buddies. They do stuff together and it is a great thing to keep children entertained while learning.

Go there. It is AWESOME.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Our Winter Performence

    Our winter performance is of to a great start. We are going to perform 2 songs. They are "When The Lights All Shine" and "Winter Fantasy". They are two songs showing peace and presenting life to the whole world. They prove that life is amazing. "When the Lights All Shine" is devoted to peace and equality in the whole world. It is showing that Christmas is a time of peace and joy, not tragedy or war.The lyrics for the two songs are shown below.

The Lights All Shine Lyrics:

She lit a candle in New Orleans 

He lit a candle in Beijing 
They lit their candles in Vienna, Havana, Jerusalem, London, Hanoi 
She lit a candle in Toronto

 He lit a candle in Beirut
 They lit their candles in Nairobi, Jakarta, St. Petersburg, Bangalore, Rome 
The glow is rising all over the world 
And now we're starting to see, 
A light that shines out from anyone here Is a beacon to you and me 
And when the lights all shine
 Oh when the lights All shine
 And when the lights all shine As one As one 
All around the world (All around the world they glow) They'll glow
 And all will know( And all around the world they'll know) 
Our journey to peace has begun
 Oh when they shine 
Winter Fantasy Lyrics:

1. Snow flakes falling all over town,
slipping, sliding, ev’rybody rushin’ ‘round
There’s an icy chill in the air
telling us that winter’s really here, Oh!
I’m so glad that winter is here!
Grab your sled and let out a happy cheer because it’s
snowing, blowin g, all through the day.
Winter winds will surely blow all your cares away!
2. Dashing through the snow,
in a one-horse open sleigh.
O’er the fields we go,
laughing all the way!
Bells on bobtails ring,
making spirits bright.
What fun it is to laugh and sing a sleighing song tonight. Oh!
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!
Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh. Oh!
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!
Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
GROUP ONE - sing verse 1
GROUP TWO - sing verse 2
All: Winter’s really here!

Saturday, November 1, 2014


There's only one night like this all year,
only one night where spirits appear.
An evening meant to be spent out night,
yes it's halloween and you cannot hide.
When the ghosts come out,
and the goblins creep,
and the skeletons rattle,
How could anybody sleep? 
And the monsters march,
while the witches take flight,
Yes Halloween is a very unusual night.
Drop your feers and off you go,
Join the traveling costume show.
Grab your sack and attack the street,
But you better start to trick or treat.
When the ghosts come out,
and the goblins creep,
and the skeletons rattle,
How could anybody sleep? 
And the monsters march,
while the witches take flight,
Yes Halloween is a very unusual night.
Yes Halloween is a very unusual night.

On october 31st take flight for candy but be ready to be afread, or else!!!!!!

Monday, August 11, 2014

My trip to Maui, Hawaii

My trip to Maui, Hawaii

I had a lot of fun in Maui Hawaii and I would like to share it with you.

Day 1 Thursday 7/31/14
We went to the LAX airport by the flyaway. When we got there we went to our terminal and we boarded the plane. Our plane was a Hawaiian Airlines flight. We flew for 5 1/2 hours and we landed at 5:23 pm Hawaiian time. After that, we got a Nissan Altima from Hertz. Then we went Iao Valley State Park. We saw a peak that was used during war. Then we went shopping at Costco.  Then we drove to Denny's for dinner. By the time we drove to our hotel called Sheraton Maui Resort&Spa, it was 10:00 and we slept.

Day 2 Friday 8/1/14
We woke up at 6:45 and we ate croissants we bought on Thursday for breakfast. Then we change into our swimming clothes and we go to the Kaanapali Beach while looking for the pool. Then we come back and shower and eat lunch. Next we go to a different beach and finally we go to Makeena beach where we get a boogie board. One kid got a boogie board for free but he was leaving today so he gave it to us. We played with it for a while and then we drove back. We went to pizza hut to eat dinner. Then we came back at around 7:30 we played on our tablet for a while before we slept.

Day 3 Saturday 8/2/14
We woke up at 3:30 am. We made the 90 minute drive to the peak of Haleakala, a dormant volcano.We watched an amazing sunrise on the summit. We drove down 30 minutes and we ate breakfast at Kula lodge.  Then we drove 1 hour to twin falls. It has two falls right next to each other and it also has a cave. Then we drove 17 miles on the road to Hana. Then when we drove back, we went to dunking donuts and we went and ate dinner at Da Kitchen Cafe. Then we slept.

Day 4 Sunday 8/3/14
We woke up at 8:30. I went to the pool and we just played around until 11:00. Then we tried snuba (snorkeling scuba). Then we liked it so we stayed in the pool till 1 and then we ate lunch. Then we went to nakalele blowhole. It was so cool. There was such huge waves there. Then we ate dinner at Sangarita. Then we slept.

Day 5 Monday 8/4/14
We drove to Lahina harbor and walked to the dock. We had a big day ahead of us. We were going to go snorkeling in Lanai another island in Hawaii. So we got on the boat and had breakfast on the boat. Than as we landed we went to the beach and snorkeled for 30/45 minutes and then we went on a hike. Then we lunch which was barbecue and then we headed back. When we got back, we played on the kindle for a little bit, got dinner and slept.

Day 6 Tuesday 8/5/14
We did the road to hana on this day. We woke up at 4:30 and then we went on the 3 hour drive to Wiamoku Falls. The drive was treacherous and it took forever. We got so bored.  We did a 1 mile hike to the 7 sacred pools of water. then we went to Wiamoku falls on a 4 mile hike. It was 400 foot waterfall. Next we went to black sand beach. We saw a lava tube there. We also stopped at other various places.Then we headed back and ate at Denny's. Then we slept. 

Day 7
We woke up at 8:30 to go to the pool again. After about an hour we did snuba in the ocean. Then we swam in the pool followed by us checking out. After that, we went to Westin, another hotel that we did not choose to go to. Then we ate in the food court in Whalers Village. I ordered pizza. Then we walked back to our car, said our goodbye's to our hotel, and drove away. Then we saw the banyan tree up close. It is huge. Almost an acre and growing. Then we went to La Perouse Bay. Then we went to cold stone and got ice cream. Then we went and we returned the Hertz car. Then we went to our terminal. Suprisingly, it was only 4 1/2 hours long. We landed the next day.

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Day One

      My mom dropped me of at Griffo camp at 7:50 am. First I unpacked my stuff. My first cabin mate came at 8:15. His name was Marcos. We waited till the rest of our cabin came came and then we played dodge ball. After dodge ball we had lunch. I ate a taco. At one PM we went to the pool. At 2:40, I did water play. Then we ate dinner. For diner I ate chicken, biscuits with butter and mashed potatoes. Next we did camp fire. At campfire the Councillors and adults put on the shows. Next we showered and went to bed. I liked playing dodge ball the best.

Day Two

      First, I ate breakfast. For breakfast I ate cereal. Then I made my tye-dye shirt.After that I made card board boats.Then I had lunch. After lunch I went swimming followed by siplining Then I ate dinner. For dinner I ate salad. Then I went on a hike. Then I showered and went to bed.


I went to whittle camp from June 21st to June 28th and had a lot of fun there. It was awesome because it had horseback riding and archery. I was in cabin seven on this trip. I am going to write a report about it.

First activity period
Second activity period
Pride Time
Third activity period
Fourth activity period
Rest period
Twilight Activity

Day 1
On saturday i left for big bear. It was going very smoothly until our bus broke down. We had to wait 45 minutes till another bus came and finally, we were there. When we got there, we had a special activity where we had to dress-up our counselors. We used clothes that we brought to dress up our counselors and we finished in 3rd place. Then we had dinner. For dinner, we had spaghetti and bread sticks. Then we had campfire. Campfire is when you sing along with songs and watch skits. Then at 10:00 we slept.

All set to go!!!!

Day 2
On sunday, I woke up at 7:15 for chapel. Chapel is when you go and sing songs in the morning. Then, we had breakfast. For breakfast I ate pancakes and sausage. After breakfast, I had whittle fair. In whittle fair, there is human bowling, human angry birds and connect 6. There is also a cotton candy machine, a snow cone machine, ring toss, and a really cool slide called black hole. Then we had Arts & Crafts. That was the best part of the day. In Arts & Crafts there is an air hockey table, a pool table and 2 Foosball tables. After Arts & Crafts we had lunch. For lunch, there was mac & cheese with corn dogs. After lunch, we had animal husbandry. Animal husbandry is basically a petting zoo. You go around petting goats and horses and pigs and hens. There is a llama and alpaca to. An alpaca is a small llama. Then we had the rock climbing wall!! I aced it in 1 try. Then we had dinner. For dinner, I ate 78l. PB&J. For dessert, They served cake. Then we had campfire. It was the exact same as yesterday.
Human sized bowling!

Connect 6
Day 3
On monday, I did my usual morning routine. Chapel and then breakfast. For breakfast, there was a breakfast burrito. Then we had team zip line. Team zip line is when one person goes onto a zip line and the rest of the people in the cabin pull him up. Then he unhooks the string and he flies down. It was a lot of fun. After team zip line, we have horseback riding!! It was awesome. That was my favorite part of the day. The horse that I got was brownie. Then we had FOB. FOB stands for flat on bunk. Then we had lunch. For lunch, we had burgers. Then we had pool!! We have to take a swim test. The swim test is 3 laps around a pool and then you have to tread water for a minute. It was easy. Then we had drama. In drama we play a bunch of games. We played zip zap boing, countdown, and ninja. Then we had a little rest time. Then we ate dinner. Then we had gold rush. It was awesome. you have to protect your counselor from his bag getting shot down with a water gun. Then we had campfire. Then we slept.
Day 4
Again we woke up for chapel at 7:15. On tuesday, I ate eggs bacon and hash browns for breakfast. Then I had circus. Circus is awesome. Unicycles. CHeck. Pogo Sticks. Check. Juggling. Check. It has almost everything the real circus has except it is not as deadly and hard. Then, after circus, I had radio. In radio, you think of a song and you put it on channel 88.5. This is what I said, “Hey guys, this is DJ Lighting here to zap the fun into you. ” That is my slogan. You have to think of something like that to say. Then it was time for FOB. I took a nap but you can play cards or do something on yours or someone elses bunk. Then after that it was time for lunch. For lunch I had a deli sandwich. Then we had drama again. After that we had gaga ball. Gaga ball is where u have to hit the ball with your hands and try and make the ball hit someone elses legs or below their waist. If it goes over their waist, you are out. Before dinner, I decorated my cabin. Then, I had dinner. For dinner, I had PB&J.l Then there was campfire. I had an awesome time today.

Day 5
I had a muffin and milk for breakfast today. Then I had drums. You do a ton of stuff to learn how to play drums. We played camouflage, marco pollo/drums style. Someone says marco, and then everyone, who has hidden themselves somewhere so that they can be seen but not easily, have to play dum dum on a drum to show where they are. Then, we had archery. I got 10 bulls eyes out of 25 shots and my total score was almost 100. About 85. Then, I had FOB. Then for lunch i had Chicken strips with french fries. Then I had pool. After pool, I had animals. In animals I held a 20 foot long snake. Then i had dinner. For dinner, I had PB&J. Then we had campfire. We led campfire. That means, I do the skits. So, I did two skits and one song and I got smores in the end of campfire. Then I slept.

Day 6
French toast and milk was breakfast today. Then I had Lake. At lake, I went kayaking, pedal boating, banana boating and canoeing. Then I had lunch. For lunch, grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup. Then I had arts and crafts. I made a button and two shrinky dinks. Then i had sports field. There I played soccer. I was op and I and my team won 2-0. Then there was dinner. After dinner, there was campfire. At campfire, I had a lot of fun and my throat was sore. Then I slept
Arts and crafts room.
Day 7
I woke up at 6:30 today. Then I went to chapel at 7:15. For breakfast, there was hashbrowns and omelettes. Then I had archery. I got 7 bulls eyes out of 12 shots. Then i played soccer on the sports field again. I won 2-0 and then I tied 1-1. Then we had FOB time and I took a nap. Then we had lunch. For lunch, I had taquitos. Then I had zumba and movement which are both basically dancing. Then I had horseback riding. Then I had pizza for dinner. Then we had the finishing campfire in which we had pinecone dedication. You dedicate a pinecone to someone. Then we slept.  

Day 8
I had muffins for breakfast. There was no chapel today cause you were suppose to pack. I woke up at 6:00. And then at 9:00 it left. I threw up on the bus. It was about a 3 hour ride. We got there at noon.