Sunday, January 22, 2017

Porter ranch gas leak

Hello, my name is Achintya Gupta and I have just discovered a fascinating topic to write a research paper about. It involves millions of dollars in lawsuits, as well as an estimated total of over a billion dollars for just one mistake. It is the porter ranch gas leak. The gas leak occurred from October of 2015 to February of 2016 when the leak was first discovered. This was the nation's largest methane gas leak. They have been sued over 100 times, and one of them, the state lawsuit was settled for 4 million dollars.

For my paper, I am looking deep into the effects of the gas leak, and what has come of it. For this, I have decided to interview a few people from the porter ranch community, one of which is my friend, Sumeet Kapoor. He was not affected that badly, though, and I am currently looking into interviewing another resident who had to be relocated. Much of the Aliso canyon area had to be evacuated and sent to live in hotels for a month or two.

Some of the effects will just not go away. For example, even now, many of the residents I have contacted have complained of nosebleeds and headaches, which have been identified as side effects of the gas leak. As soon as the company, Southern California Gas Company decided it would be safe to reopen, there was another gas leak, although this one was minor. Many of the residents want it closed down permanently, and I will look into these many protests.

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