Monday, July 17, 2017

Summer Camp FLSR Part 1

    We started leaving for FLSR at about 9:30. We drove for 1 and a half hours, or so, and then we went to eat lunch at McDonald's. I had a buttermilk chicken burger w/o fries or a drink. I ate and then waited because we left at about 12:30. We drove up for another hour and then arrived at the check-in place at 1:30. We waited in line for 30 minutes, then went inside, handed our forms to helpers, and got a health check-up. Then, we were given totems that were used as our ID's for the camp. We left there at about 2:30 and then drove to our campsite. We camped at Upper Amarillo. We unpacked quickly and picked tents. I got a pretty good tent, with very little noise or holes. My tent buddy was Ethan Park. Then, we changed into swimsuits and went for our swim check. I passed with swimmer rank, which meant I could swim anywhere in the pool. That's right, they had a POOL! We went for dinner and evening flags at 6:30. Then, we went back to camp, and at 8:30, had the opening campfire. It was pretty cool, with counselors performing cool skits. I enjoyed it A LOT. We then went back to camp and to sleep at 10:00.

    On Monday, we woke up at 6:00. We brushed, and then we went to breakfast. Breakfast on Monday was pancakes, hash browns, sausage links, fruits, cereal, and milk. Following breakfast, we had free time from 8:30-12:30. During that time, I did my Scoutmaster conference with Chris, and I was helping younger scouts with requirements. At 12:45, we had lunch. For lunch, there was a corn dog, some chips, and some pork and beans. After that, at 2, our first class started. During the first period, I had life-saving. We learned the basics about what we were going to learn for the rest of the week, and then we did some brick dives. Basically, we dived in the pool, picked up a 10-pound brick, and swam it back to shore. That class ended at 2:50, and I went to my next class- First Aid. During first aid, we learned the basics of what we were going to learn. At 3:50, after that class ended, I headed up the Wyandot Trail to the horse corral, where my 3rd and 4th period were. There, we learned how to catch a horse and the horsemanship basics. After that, we headed down for dinner. For dinner, we had chicken fajitas, red beans, Spanish rice, and churros. After dinner, we headed back to camp. Those with homework(Everyone in the horsemanship class) started their homework and those who didn't have homework headed down to the commissioner games. After I finished my homework, I went and took a shower. Then we had lights out at 10, and I went to sleep.

    On Tuesday, we woke up at 6:00. I brushed, and then I went to breakfast. Breakfast was biscuits and gravy. After breakfast, we had our classes. I had life-saving first. At life-saving, we learned CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Then, for the second period, I had first aid. During first aid, we learned CPR again, and we practiced it on a dummy. Then we had horsemanship. Again, I had to go up the treacherous Wyandot Trail to the horse corral, where we practiced catching a horse and rode the horse. Then, I headed down for lunch. Lunch was a chicken patty sandwich, chips, salad bar, cookie, and punch. After lunch, we had free time for 30 minutes, then I started my open time merit badges. For the open time, I did art, and I did sculpture. Then, I went to the pool. After free time was dinner. At dinner, we had spaghetti, green beans, bread sticks, salad bar, milk, punch, and an Italian Icy. Then, I did my service project. We picked up trash around the trail to first class area. Then we went to sleep at 10.

On Wednesday, it was exploration day. In other words, we went hiking all day, and we had no classes.
We hiked up a mountain and it was a relatively easy hike. We ate lunch on the mountain. After the hike, we had free time till dinner. Dinner was hamburgers, french fries, ice cream and more. Then we had campfire in which I did a skit. Then, I took a shower and then I went to sleep.

On Thursday, I woke up at 5:30 am because we had the polar bear swim. We did the polar bear swim, and then I quickly changed because I had to do the flag ceremony, That went well, and we had breakfast after it was done. For breakfast, there were breakfast burritos. After breakfast, we had lifesaving. During lifesaving, there was makeup work and I had already done everything so I had nothing to do. After lifesaving, I had first aid where I did carries. Then I went up to the horse corral, and I practiced riding, saddling, grooming, and finally, catching. Then we had lunch which was a pizza. After that, I did pulp and paper during open time. Following that, I just chilled at camp and rested. We had dinner after that, and we had chicken cordon blue rice pilaf, and more. Then, we had the logger camp wide games and the honor trail. I went to sleep at 10.

  On Friday, I woke up at 6:00, my normal time. This was a scary day because I knew I would have to take the horsemanship test today. But first, I had breakfast, and my other classes. For breakfast, I had French Toast. Then, I went to lifesaving where we did spinals. Then I got a free period during first aid because I already finished that class. Then, I hiked up the Wyandot Trail for my last time, or so I thought. I took my test and I successfully passed everything, but it turned out I still needed to do one homework requirement, so I went back up after lunch, which was sloppy joes, and then I finished that requirement. For the rest of free time, I went in the pool. Then, we had dinner which was steak, so I had salad. Then we had closing campfire, which was really cool. I packed up everything except my sleeping bag in the evening, then went to sleep.

  On Saturday, we quickly packed up and left. We ate breakfast at McDonalds, and then we drove back home.